Where employers and future employees connect.

Whether looking for quality employees for your business or looking for your dream job, dutyHR is here to help and make meaningful connections.
Get Started
Our goal is to help you make an impact in your community through employment.

For Employers

We help you cut out the middle man and give you a direct connection to candidates.

Access to un-tapped talent

A comprehensive database of high-quality candidates

All-In-One Solution

Resources & Support

For Future Employees

We help you find your dream job quickly, connecting you directly with potential employers.

Easy to navigate platform to browse jobs

Express interest in open positions directly

Connection to future employees as well as job markets in Australia

Resources & Support

Resources & Tools

To facilitate the connection we also offer a range of tools and resources to help you find the perfect connections for your needs. We understand that seamless communication is paramount, which is why we offer the best technology to avoid any communication challenges.

We make the hiring process simple, so you can focus on running your business!